One of the young elephant bulls that I see from our boat has recently provided me with a lot of good laughs particularly in our last three meetings.
The first meeting I was gently floating past as he was swimming when his attention focused leaving me with that “oh no we are too close feeling”. On closer study I realised that he was focussing on something just behind the boat – a crocodile. He proceeded to storm over and spent about 10 minutes searching on top and under the water even though the poor thing was long gone.
The next time he spent the time near our boat chasing hippos – even swimming right out of his depth to move them on.
Yesterday he was standing deep in the water watching us in with great contemplation when suddenly he seemed to collapse onto his side floating so totally relaxed that he looked dead in the water. At first I was worried and then I saw the tip of his trunk held just above the water. The second fright in one week from Khumbula.